Value-at-Risk (VaR) is a powerful tool that helps investors understand potential losses in their portfolio over a specific timeframe. Think of it as a financial "seatbelt," offering insights into the risks you face.
Here's how it works: Suppose you have a $100,000 crypto portfolio. If the 1-day VaR at a 95% confidence level is $5,000, this means there's a 95% chance your portfolio won't lose more than $5,000 in a single day.
VaR is important as it manages Risk Helps you prepare for potential losses by Performance Benchmarking Measures risk-adjusted returns and Regulatory Use,Often required by financial institutions.
But it's not without flaws. VaR is based on historical data and assumes the future will mirror the past something the volatile crypto market doesn't always guarantee. It also struggles to predict extreme market events, leaving investors exposed to rare but severe risks.
In the end, VaR is a critical tool for understanding and managing risk. While it's not perfect, it provides a structured way to navigate the uncertainties of investing with greater confidence.