A lot of couple who approached me had this common complaint. And the complaint was that the other partner doesn't think the way he or she does.
This becomes the sore point. Over a period of time, it snowballs into a major discord.
Everytime I receive such a complaint, I take some time to explain the evolution of nature.
The earliest living creatures on the earth were single cell organisms, something like omeaba.
They are the most flexible living beings. Infact their lives are also the simplest.
They are non sexual beings. Now, this has a significant implications.
They don't have to spend time and energy to impress upon a partner to mate.(pun intended).
They are happy and blissful by themselves.
In fact their procreation or reproduction is the simplest.
When the right time comes for reproduction, they just divide into two. Two to four. Four to eight... and the chain continues.
Then, why did the nature introduce bi-sexual model for procreation as the life on earth evolved, when the procreation by division was so simple?
There was a serious problem with the procreation by division.
The problem was that, everything that was there in the parent cell, replicated as offsprings as exact copies.
If there was something serious genetic disorder in the mother cell, the same would transfer to the offspring cells, exactly the same way. This could lead to extinction soon.
The second problem was that, the procreation by division didn't give any space for improvement or evolution.
The offsprings were just the carbon copies of the mother cell.
It was then the nature introduced bi-sexual model. There would be a male and a female required for procreation.
This immediately reduced the risk of extinction by 50% and increased the probability of improvement and evolution of the species by 50%. So the advantage was a direct 50+50 = 100%.
The underlying point was, that the way male and female are supposed to be different and unique.
They can not be same. If they are same, the very purpose of the nature for introducing bi-sexual model is defeated.
So the nature aimed at having the best of the things from both the male and female partners, so that the offsprings were better than the parents.
Further, the risk of any genetic disorders continuing in the lineage is reduced by half.
So, the nature has made life partners COMPLEMENTARY and NOT SAME. It cannot be, if we want our lineage to prosper and groe