As per a recent MCX circular MCX/TECH/700/2023 dated 12- Oct- 2023, trading hours for different commodities are changed only for 16- Oct- 2023. The trade start time is changed from 09:00 AM to 10:45 AM and the special session is changed from 08:45 AM- 08:59 AM to 10:30 AM- 10:44 AM. This circular is in continuation to circular no. MCX/TECH/694/2023 dated 10- Oct- 2023.
Further, note that this change is only for one day (16- Oct- 2023). The Exchange shall restore to original trading hours from 17- Oct- 2023.
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Also note that MCX is going live with the new trading platform from 16- Oct- 2023. There will be no change in your trading experience with the app or web platform of Angel One.These changes are at the exchange level only. This is for your information and no action is required from your end.