We are providing below a narrative from a senior citizen who is all ging ho about Nifty Bees. The timing of entry and exit is equally important and you shopuld not be solely guided by such narratives as at times it can be boasting also among friends. Nippon India ETF provides facility to trade in Nifty bees and is listed on the market.
I have been investing in Niftybees for over 20 years with amazing and astonishing results.
This product is most suited to retirees, be a beginner or an expert in stock market. There is nothing to lose. It is just that the experts have not looked at it seriously.
I have achieved all my goals, targets and desires be it children education abroad, their marriages, a DLF flat in the middle of Delhi and complete financial freedom by investing in Niftybees.
My sincere advice to all retirees is to study and understand this product well. The least I can give back to the retirees society is this piece of advice. If required, I can elaborate its advantages or can take a webinar.
The trick to making lots of money, is to be simple and comfortable in what you are doing. In other words, making money is proportional to your comfort level. Any ambiguity or doubts will reduce your absolute returns. For example, I am not overly obsessed with CAGR type of calculations.
By that token, and having known the returns of Niftybees, we would never be in FDs. But it is a misnomer. FDs have given us lots of comfort and time for learning and we have made far more money by shifting FDs to Niftybees and vice versa as required, notwithstanding inflation eating into our returns or we paying lots of taxes.
The greatest advantage, I found of personal investing, was an urge to learn more, a lot about the world, our country and how things and markets move and then try and read and learn even more, virtually on all subjects. It increases one's knowledge, confidence and self esteem and you are sought after in the gatherings.
I am 73 getting to 74. I was in marketing job till the onset of covid. In fact, just took final retirement before the complete shutdown. Since then, I enjoy day trading and reading. Keeps me happy and busy. I can also share my experiences on and post full retirement if desired. Should I have been more serious in a marketing job, no, I think I have the bent of mind in investing.
Wishing you all a very happy investing, making enough money, fulfilling your desires and a happy new year.
Do not forget to make money using our
bank nifty tips for tomorrow and be a part of the daily profit-making group in the Indian share market.
For 10Year horizon, this is better choice compared to any available Mutual Fund scheme.
As your question is specific to timing, which date / month you will get lower NAV, we do not know that date as such, but the lower price level at which this NIFTYBEEs can be a attractive buy level, ie Rs 188-190.
You can buy lump sum in case you get this price if overall market take dip, which we can not forecast.
In case broader market do not take a dip, and soar further, this NIFTYBEEs will continue rise from current Rs 198, and all MF NAV attempt to follow NIFTYBEEs speed, if they can.
Not all MF scheme can run as fast as NIFTYBEES, NIFTYBEES is a Lighthouse.
Nifty Bees returns can be seen in above image for the given time period.
There is hardly any room or volatility for intra day trading in Niftybees per se. In fact that is its salient feature and great advantage, which keeps one calm and composed and one can keep building quantity depending upon the will and resources.
Niftybees, as you know, comprises of top 50 companies of India.
We have, over a period, gathered sizeable quantities of each of these companies in my account and there is daily opportunity for intra day trading in these companies.
I can also sell out of the money Nifty calls without any worries but we don't do that.
The market has given not more than 3% return during this calendar year. It means, presently the market is at the level of Dec 21 only (little ups & down). If you have a horizon of 6-8 yrs, you can invest the lump sum amount in a small portion each month, preferably whenever the market is down by 3-4%. If the period of investment is less than 6 yrs, lump sum investment should be strictly avoided in equity MF.
Trading Gyan of the day
The best time to invest was yesterday. Second best is today.
‘An old saying’.