Everyone should have a second source of income. You can never be sure that your first source of income is guaranteed. Your job could get eliminated, or your company could go bankrupt. Another reason to have a second source of income is for your retirement; it's also useful for major expenses such as children education and marriage... It's very important to prepare for the future so that you can enjoy life without working all day long! Finally, you might want some extra cash at the end of the month to treat yourself and your family without having to wait until the next salary. A lot of hue and cry is going on around employees moonlighting which means that they are working for other companies post-market hours which they feel can affect the employee performance at the work.When you have a second source of income, it means you will always have money in the bank, even if your main job disappears overnight. This allows you to take care of any emergency without having to worry about going into debt or losing everything due to unforeseen circumstances like a natural disaster or illness in the family members who rely on them for financial support (this includes children).
Another reason to have a second source of income is for your retirement; it's also useful for major expenses such as children education and marriage...
Secondary sources of income can help you reduce debt, especially if you're in debt from credit cards or other loans. While this might not be possible if your primary source of income is from work, there are still many ways that you can use your secondary sources of income to pay off debt faster.
It's very important to prepare for the future so that you can enjoy life without working all day long!
A second source of income can be used to retire early, buy a vacation home and travel the world.
You can use a second source of income to buy a vacation home in your favorite place on earth and live there for several months each year! This would mean that you no longer have to work every day because you have enough money saved up within 30 years.
If you have never thought about this before but want more freedom in life, then maybe now's the time!
Finally, you might want some extra cash at the end of the month to treat yourself and your family without having to wait until the next salary.
You can also use this money for something more pleasant than just saving it in a bank account: You could give yourself a small sum of money every month so that you’re able to buy whatever makes you happy when payday rolls around. Maybe this means buying a new pair of shoes or getting your hair done? The important thing is that whatever it is will make YOU happy!
A secondary source of income is important in case you lose your primary source.
In case you lose your job and cannot find another, a secondary source of income is important.
You can't predict the future. You might lose your primary source of income, like if you are fired from work or laid off by an employer with which you have been working for years.
You can't control your employer's decisions about salary increases or bonuses for employees who have been loyal to him/her over the years (e.g., "The owner had no idea how much money he was making until it was too late").
The economy can change overnight; this happened in 2008 when some companies went bankrupt due to a financial crisis caused by subprime mortgages that were given out without proper checks on the creditworthiness of consumers who borrowed money from lenders at high-interest rates (this type of loan was called "subprime").
A second source of income is an excellent way to prepare yourself for the future. If you don't have one now, start thinking about how much you would need in case something happens to your primary source of income. Start saving today and learn the art of trading with us using our bank nifty future tips and people with lesser capital can use our option tips which require a small capital to the tune of Rs 5000-10000.