A Happy Father's day and on the lighter side do not forget that mother rules at home. Nonetheless, the father puts in a lot of effort which we as children do not recognise, and the limelight is stolen by the mother. No, offence to the mothers.
So, dear children do give some attention to your father as his efforts too deserve credit. Please watch this awesome video on father's day.
The video will load below this line and at times one wonders that how beautifully the advertisement for the product has been embedded without being a blatant advertisement only but also sending a healthy message.
Cut out on a leaf is the love depicted of a father towards his family which
may not be overtly shown but the father nourishes in his mind and that a
child cherishes forever.
Happy Fathers' day.
Lastly, just a reminder that a number of fathers and mothers are benefitting from our
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What makes the dads best can be seen in below video