We are a firm believer that the trading system should be simple and stupid which works on the KISS principle :
K - Keep
I - It
S - Simple
S- Stupid
You can have an occasional check to know the current trend in the market by watching Nifty but it is not mandatory to keep Nifty and Bank Nifty be watched simultaneously while trading the Bank Nifty option or vice versa as components of both the indices are different.Some Gurus on social media may say that today Bank Nifty caused you a stop loss as it was hovering at that point where Nifty was encounter resistance. It can happen once a while and is not a rule and they say that exceptions prove the rule.
Thus without any ambiguity, you can concentrate on the Bank Nifty chart with an occasional check on the likely trend in the Nifty.
So, if you are looking to make money in the market, then you can get started in Bank Nifty option tips which is our best tip in the options segment and you can make up to Rs 3750-7500 per lot. Remember you can trade in a lot of Bank Nifty options in less than Rs 1000.