Stock Name
Rec Rate
Tgt 2
04/01/21 | Indiamart | Buy | 7200 | 7600 | 8000 | Both tgt Achieved |
Likhitha | Buy | 205 | 213 | 220 | Only 1st tgt achieved
Eichermotor | Buy | 2670 | 2850 | 2970 |
Both tgt Achieved
AjanthaPharma | Buy | 1715 | 1825 | 1950 | Only 1st tgt achieved
08/01/21 | TVSMotor | Buy | 508 | 550 | 580 |
Both tgt Achieved
Emami | Buy | 460 | 500 | 540 | Only 1st tgt achieved |
IEX | Buy | 235 | 300 | 350 |
Both tgt Achieved.2nd tgt achieved on 17 Mar 2021
| BandhanBank | Buy | 317 | 340 | 360 | Both tgt achieved. 2nd tgt achieved on 12 Mar 2021
Read more about our short term Investment tips here. Our tips have given excellent profit with in the month itself and mega-profits have been seen as we gave time to our investments. At times we may have to wait for few more days to see it hitting both targets. Generally, the first target is hit in the month. Stop loss is always provided as per our trading strategy. However, due to the shortage of space in horizontal view, we have not incorporated her in the table as we rarely get stop loss hit. Always remember that stop loss is not your enemy but is a friend as it is a risk control mechanism.