1. Volatility is not Risk, but an opportunity for long term investors.
2. Price is inversely proportional to the margin of safety. The higher the price the lesser is the margin of safety.
3. Don't waste a crisis. You get it very rarely.
4. Don't waste a bull market too. Use it to clean your portfolio.
5. Asset allocation in multiple assets helps. Fix your ratio and the proportion in your investments.
6. Be disciplined to rebalance at least once a year.
7. Discipline is a difficult virtue to practice, especially if you have to implement it yourself.
8. In hindsight we are all wise post investing and inpatient prior to it.
9. We always underestimate the power of cash. In the last five years demon and covid proved its vitality.
10. Like Larry Summers said, "all investors want to do today what they must have done yesterday".
11. SIP inculcates discipline, overcomes fear& greed, averages your cost. It lets you do your other work parallelly.
12. Stock markets give multiple opportunities. Therefore don't chase to invest but follow and invest.
13. You can't borrow conviction as Conviction = courage+patience - distraction.
14. Every investment decision has a 50% probability of success. Avoid multiple decisions.
15. Short term opportunities are overrated and long term opportunities are underrated.
16. What you see is what you get. Develop your ability to see what you don't see normally. Corollary of What you don't see is what you don't get.
17. If you listen to the business channel all anchors appear great experts on advising viewers but personal finance is more about Personal than Finance. It is for Traders not for Investors.
18. Health is wealth. Like in this note it comes at the bottom and not as our top priority. Change the order and have a good cover.
19. It is better to borrow to pay for your health insurance premium than to borrow to pay your hospital bills.
20. Safety in investing comes first then curing the injury.
21. Always have a Financial Advisor, coach, a mentor with you so that you can complete your investment journey peacefully.