Reminded me of the time in aviation when everyone would frantically try to Maro घोटा and also understand all subjects in the last week before Graduation and Evaluation Board (GEB). They'd promptly forget all about it as soon as the GEB team was out of unit gates! The cycle repeated every 6 months.
Just writing this because financial well being is very important and is downplayed extensively by/for Faujis. Like in GEB, the time for preparation is not just before GEBs but between GEBs (those precious 6 months), the week before GEB is for "using" that preparation. Similarly, understanding and execution of financial planning is from now till next year and not before 31 July 2020.
Build your Corpus now, work backwards from how much income do you want post-retirement considering all the liabilities anticipated and make a plan of investments in a diversified portfolio. So we all can happily offer good Scotch to each other and not 'glucose biscuits' (sic) and chai!
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