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Is Aditya Chopra Responsible for Sushant Singh Rajput Death/Murder?

Sanjay Leela Bhansali has opened the lid off poisonous can of Bollywood's Worms dangerous filth ...

Ranveer Singh, who should be questioned first with utmost rigor in this sordid affair Sushant Singh's death but there is no mention of his name anywhere.

Read these facts carefully ...

Sanjay Leela Bhansali has clearly stated in his statement to the police that he wanted to take Sushant Singh Rajput for his three films 'Goliyon Ki Rasleela", 'Bajirao Mastani' and Padmavat. Sushant had also agreed to these projects. But due to being tied up in a contract with Aditya Chopra, he could not work in all three of my films Aditya Chopra did not allow it. Sanjay Leela Bhansali has told in his Police statement that I had signed Ranveer Singh for these three films only after Sushant could not be signed up for these films due to his binding contract with Aditya Chopra. In the above statement of Sanjay Leela Bhansali, nothing prima facie seems suspicious. But the revelation made by Sanjay Leela Bhansali's statement ahead of it has opened the lid of the very toxic truth of Bollywood. Unfortunately, no one has noticed the dangerous truth in it yet. Nobody is discussing that dangerous truth.

The revelation made in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's statement was that like Sushant Singh Rajput, Ranveer Singh too was tied up in a contract with Aditya Chopra. But Aditya Chopra allowed him to act in all three films of Sanjay Leela Bhansali.

Why is no one asking Aditya Chopra question today, what was the reason for not allowing Sushant to act in three consecutive films but Allowing only Ranveer Singh to do so?

You can find the answer to the above question in these facts..... Keep in mind that Ranveer Singh's real name is Ranveer Singh Bhawnani. His family Is from Karachi, Pakistan and settled in India. Many of his relatives still live in Karachi and are big business men there. It is also a well-known fact many of Dawood's henchmen, including Dawood Ibrahim Tiger Memon and Chhota Shakeel live in Karachi, Pakistan. Give themselves title of businessman just to throw dust in the eyes of Indian investigation agencies and many of these so called businessmen like Chhota Shakeel sits in Karachi and manages the illegal rackets of drugs prostitution hawala shell companies money laundering of Bollywood. Even with so many facts you may have difficulty in connecting the dots. Now also know that… exactly one year after the martyrdom of 19 Indian soldiers in the terrorist attack of Pakistan at Uri, army camp in September 2016 there were serious allegations by Indian intelligence agencies that funding for terror in India soil came through hawala!

Pakistani builder businessman Anil Musarrat, who lives in London, was identified as the financier of Imran Khan's party PTI in Pakistan. In celebration of the marriage of Anil Musarrat's daughter in London in September 2017, Ranveer Singh was in great spirit dancing the night away like a serpent. Ranveer Singh's family are obliged to this Pakistani henchman Anil Musarrat's. This was revealed only 6 months earlier by N K Sood, chief of the country's highest intelligence agency RAW. He said that the Pakistani henchman Anil Musarrat had ordered Ranveer Singh's wife Deepika Padukone to go to JNU and support the goons opposing CAA law. After she received such an order, Deepika went to JNU to support these students protesting against CAA.

Karan Johar was welcoming guests at the wedding of Anil Musarrat's daughter and Anil Kapoor who is father of Sonam Kapoor, who incidentally had posted her picture with a placard around her neck on social media, on how ashamed she was of being Hindu and ashamed of Hindu temples, while father was entertaining the guests Mind you all this entertaining was going on in the presence of Imran Khan!

Why did Aditya Chopra Only allow Ranveer Singh, who was happily dancing at the wedding of a Pakistani business man's daughter, one who financed Pakistani terrorist who killed Indian soldiers, for the same films by Bhansali but did Not allow Sushant Singh Rajput for three consecutive films? If you still cannot connect the dots.

Get the latest thought-provoking articles from the publishers of the Indian stock market tips website and let us all raise a voice and get justice to Sushant Singh Rajput.

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