We enumerate 13 Points which make gold as an investment in form of the sovereign gold fund (SGB) an attractive bet for you and not to forget to check our intraday gold trading tips and start making a daily profit in Goldmini every day.
- Most Important, it keeps your Wife Happy as marriage 'Chinta' for son and daughter is taken care off.
- SGBs carry a fixed interest rate of 2.50% per annum on the amount of the initial investment. Interest is credited semi-annually to the bank account of the investor.
- You can easily purchase SGBs online through Sharekhan and hold the bonds in Demat form.
- SGB prices are linked to the price of gold of 999 purity published by India Bullion & Jewellers Association (IBJA).
- Investing in SGBs eliminates the risk of theft and the cost of storage.
- Investors are assured of the market value of gold at the time of maturity and periodical interest.
- SGBs are free from issues like making charges and purity associated with the purchase of gold in jewelry form.
- These bonds are tradeable on the Exchanges.
- SGBs have a tenure of eight years and early encashment/redemption of the bonds is allowed after the fifth year.
- Interest in SGBs is taxable but the capital gains tax arising on redemption of the bonds is exempted for individuals.
- SGBs can be used as collateral for loans.
- Sovereign gold bonds carry the sovereign guarantee as these are issued by the Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the Government of India.