This is not a unique situation. This is what happens in pandemics: the disease lulls us into complacency. And that's when it strikes. This is exactly what happened with the Spanish flu of 1918: the first wave was the trailer. It was the second and third wave that was deadly, killing large numbers of people.
Even if we account for heavy under-reporting, under-testing, and some data fudging, India has no doubt escaped the most brutal potential of this pandemic. This is engendering a false sense of victory when the war has just about begun. We haven't even won the first battle yet. The number of cases and deaths are rising every day, creating new records. It's far from over.
India is just about experiencing the first wave, which it has no doubt staggered with a lockdown. This first wave, experts say, is likely to peak in June-July. But that calculation seems to be on the presumption that the lockdown in its current form will continue.
The opening of the lockdown is also essential to avoid loss of human life due to hunger and thus this exercise has to be done with a fine balance.
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