1. People do understand how a queue works. And surprisingly, they do know how to follow it. (I think everybody seems to be in too much of a hurry that's why they normally don't feel like staying in queue.)
2. Schools make the kids literate (with some amount of education). The children get educated more at home (or outside the formal classroom environment).
3. People always take care of each other. Even in this time of lockdown, there are very few people who are hungry. The haves are feeding the have-nots. (not just a statement. Eyewitness account – by my own eyes).
4. When things go south, the brand of clothes, the features of the car, the location of the house or the number of digits in the bank balance doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is their food on the plate?. I think it's time we rethink our orientation of the importance of things.
5. The fact that the stars of Bollywood haven't been productive for this period of lockdown has not affected anyone. But this period has made me realize the truly important people, who's productivity and work affects us very much. The farmers, the hygiene workers, the small shopkeepers in the market. They don't expect a great award show to acknowledge their work. All they need is a fair price for their produce/products and remuneration for their work. Even the doctors and healthcare professionals have their day in sunshine when those who directly interact with them give their regards and gratitude.
6. The only thing that keeps us alive and kicking is the local store around the corner and the small business. It may be a prudent thing to shop more in the local markets (than on online stores) and restaurants (then corporate chains). It meets our needs, keeps the economy going, gets back money and vocation to the people around us. Not lining the pockets of foreign corporate with our hard-earned money that is moved out of the nation is an additional bonus.
7. The only essential part of the economy required for our survival is the grocery shop, vegetable shop and the pharmacy. The other shops are for wants, not needs.
8. The mall is possibly the biggest waste. Waste of money, waste of time, waste of space, waste of … (it's pure waste, especially when people visit for wants and things that they think they may want). _It maybe convenient for needs. Probably a necessary evil.
9. The price of a product and its value are two different things. Next time when you value a product in a small market, haggle only if you think the value of the product and the cost quoted is different. Even better, if the person is greedy, just walk away, like we do in the mall after reading the price tag.
10. Whenever politics and religion is left out, people gather and rally together to brave any crisis and help each other. (the contrary corollary is also true - _religion and politics can split up any tightly-knit band, even in the time of great impending crisis_ ). Hope we learn what to hold and what to let go. So support HUMANITY.
11. We can remain alive and healthy without the KFC, McD and the likes. (the fact that the total amount contributed to a charity and the various relief funds by these profit mongering, money-minting corporate ~foreign~ agencies may have driven my sentiment further away).
12. It takes 40 days or more without a standard haircut for changing the hairstyle.
13. There is a more effective way of doing regular chores at the house. (Pointing it out to the lady – not so effective or clever).
14. Also cooking is not that difficult. (Eating the product so cooked is the challenge). The truly difficult task is washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen counter afterward.
15. Time is the only resource that is equally available. If there is something that needs to be wisely spent and account for each and every morsel of, its time.
16. As a follow-on, it is very important to set priorities for this critical resource. If this is managed properly, everything else in life will sort itself out. For instance, if time is spent in the kitchen (in making healthy snacks and meals), health will automatically settle itself. If time is invested in researching the financial investment profiles and schemes, the returns will sort themselves. If time is spent with the near ones, they will automatically become the dear ones – the work/life balance will find itself.
17. In this day of social distancing, the digital vice viz 'Smartphone' has been the savior. It just goes on to prove that every tool is neither evil nor a boon. It's just the way we use it (or get addicted to it).
18. Some of the messages that float in WhatsApp have a lot of sense and truth. The contrary is also true - some forwards are just junk_. So its important to flex the most important muscle – the grey one. It's up to us to reject the non-sense and not be carried on by the nonsense and chatter that goes around.
19. While it is important to grow with the changing times, it is equally important to relive our childhood and impose it on the next generation (within limits of course). Like playing a board game (actually on the game board), having dinner sitting in the moonlight, with all lights switched off (even in case there is power supply), make your own toys – even crudely from paper (remember Origami)
20. This is in a weird way, the penance and payback for the sins we've (un-intently) committed to future generations ( _remember that video that circulated on WhatsApp, of a group of patents using all the bright colored crayons and the children painting their world in all shades of the dark?_ ). Maybe some occasional resets that may hurt us now are required for 'Mid-Course Corrections' for the future.
As a footnote to remind you that like a doctor for your health you too need good daily intraday tips to make money in the stock market as it will be the best bet for your financial health.