At the verge of an exponential explosion, are we as a nation smart enough, strong enough, kind enough and responsible enough to fight against a common enemy. An enemy that is being feared the world over.
It's up to us to set an example to all the ones who are watching with the intent if we succeed or fail. People who are looking at us with skepticism because of our reputation of being a crowded, overpopulated and unhygienic group of people precedes us.

As a responsible website, we condemn the action of Kanika Kapoor and asks the legal authorities to take the action and make a specimen out of her so that none in future ever takes advantage of the celebrity status.
Do your part. Maintain social distancing, stock up foods but leave enough for others. Have compassion for someone who is underprivileged, use the public resources responsibly. These are warlike times and it is our chance to create a history. Don't let it pass without doing your bit in its containment.
Together, we can!