Several top executives thought Aditya Birla would come down heavily on this guy and probably fire him from the job. But he didn't.
Before he called the man in, he sat down, took a notepad and wrote across the top of it:
Points in favor of this man
Then he listed the man's strengths, including how he'd once helped the company make the right decision and earn them millions of dollars.
This senior executive who continued to stay with Birlas later said about AB's philosophy. Whenever I am tempted to rip into someone, I force myself to sit down and compile a list of the good qualities they have. By the time I have finished, I have the right perspective.
And best of all, my anger is under control
I can't tell you how many times this habit has prevented me from committing one of life's costliest mistakes-losing my temper.
I recommend it to anyone who deals with people regularly.
So before you jump to conclusions about someone, stop, sit down & make a list of a person's best qualities.
If you do... you may come to a different conclusion. One thing is for sure, you'll approach the person with the right attitude.. and maybe won't say things you'll later regret !!'
What an adorable, admirable attitude !!👍
We are trying to emulate these good qualities of top men of our country to become the best intraday stock tips provider in India.