The Company manufactures Manganese Alloys and Chromium Alloys with a production capacity of approximately 200,000 tons per annum. The Company's sugar plant, distillery, ethanol plant and co-gen plant is located in Samalkot, Andhra Pradesh. The Company's international operations include power, mining and agri-business. In Zambia, the Company is engaged in the commercial production of coal and has around two units of 150 megawatt power plant under construction.
Update as on 24 Aug 2016
Nava Bharat Ventures reported a 32% drop in net profit to Rs. 29.2 Cr in Q1, as against Rs. 43 Cr in the same period last year. The Income from Operations went down by 9.3% to Rs. 313.7 Cr, from Rs. 346 Cr previously. Shares tanked by 6% during the day’s trade.
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