In many cases, technical analysis is an ace tool used in short-term trading by the trader. It takes a considerable time to analyse fundamental studies and as such fundamental tools have little value in evaluating short-term events. Technical analysis however is the ultimate for trading in volatile and changeable market conditions.
Short-term trading helps a trader to define his risk and reward and it also helps a trader to encash on short-term trading opportunities with limited exposure of capital. However the above sentence would be hard to digest for some of the traders as statistics say that most of the traders end up on the losing side. However, if proper discipline is exercised and the art of choosing the right stocks is followed, this could be a fruitful journey.
However a point to note here is that we have reduced the holding period considerably at our end seeing the volatility in the market and now we are booking profit in just a matter of 5-8 days in our short term trading ideas and make money like professional days.