Do I really need a __________ (insert purchase here) ? Do you really need that new iPad Air? Probably not. Do you really need that new washing machine? Possibly yes. If you have trouble imagining life without that iPad, think about your money priority. That should help you re-focus on what's important and tune out the siren-call of the new gadget you are coveting.
Is there something better for me than a _____________? Why do you want an iPad? There are a huge range of tablets in the market with varying prices, specifications, quality, and brand identities. If you are buying an iPad because it has the right specifications for you and the best price, great customer service, etc. that's fine. But if you want it simply because it has the best image, the coolest brand... then you might want to reconsider. Again, remember your money priority, forget about 'prestige', and go for value - you will probably end up with a better machine for half the price - and a big chunk of money added to your money priority.
Is this the right time/place for me to buy a ____________? Maybe you really do need that iPad - your old one is falling apart and you use it for work. But the rainy season is just around the corner and you know sales will bring you considerable savings. Do you wait for them? You should if a) the savings would be decent, and b) the discomfort not too great.
Thus to become a multi millionaire one need to be methodical in approach else one will be always struck in 9 to 5 cycle and we can break it by following the correct approach of investment. If you really want your money to grow multiple times then investment in equity market is the ideal bet.