However days of ordeal are over as now you can order food while sitting in the train and food will be delivered by vendors on your seat courtesy a number of online food providers who are now catering to the needs of train travellers and orders can be made upto 2 hours in advance.
We will be short and crisp to let you the know where food can be pre booked and one can expect good food being delivered:
(a) Travelkhana - Present in 170 locations
(b)Merafoodchoice - Present in 164 locations
(c) idlyvada - Caters at 140 locations
(d) Khanaonline
(e) Comesum
We prefer to eat at the food outlets of Comesum which provides good quality food and if required get the food packed from them at New Delhi station. Balance all service providers we have not used their service and one can test and trial their service to get the best alternative.
Food as a business to serve train travellers is a vast segment and a dedicated entrepreneur can definitely capture a huge market as potential is huge. Are you ready for it?
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