One way is to make the hardest possible password which comprises of 10-15 word, letter, character, special letter and upper or lower case combination and if one forgets, one can retrieve the same in email. So, you just need to remember the email password. So foremost guideline is that have toughest possible password for email and if you forget that too than have a back up mechanism to ask for its password in mobile or in an alternate email. Checkout rules for creation of passwords and enjoy in leisure rather than repenting on the split milk.
However you can check the way to create easy to remember passwords videos where we have posted 2 videos which will make your life much easier. However remember not to make passwords suggested in video. Have a look at the videos now by clicking the given link and pass on the post as online protection is a big thing and needs to be taken seriously.
Last but not least for God sake do not write down the password or save it in a page in desktop as a hacker will scan your computer first for password. Alternatively one can go for IMac which does not accept viruses or Trojans which can be inadvertently installed in Windows version due to ignorance.