It becomes a pain if one loses a credit card or a debit card as fear of card being swiped always looms large on your head and that time you may be searching for the relevant phone number to hot list the card.
Below phone numbers are provided for hot listing ICICI bank debit or credit cards and remember to call as per your region.
- Ahmedabad – 66309890
- Bengaluru – 41131877
- Chandigarh – 5055700
- Chennai – 42088000
- Delhi – 9818178000
- Hyderabad – 23128000
- Kolkata – 9831378000
- Lucknow – 9936218000
- Mumbai – 28307777
- Pune - 9890478000.
Remember to bookmark us for best hot stocks for your intraday tips requirement and get cracking to make money in stock market. You can check out toll free number here.