We got these coupons for our use from MakemyTrip which we are making it public to enable each one of you to take advantage while booking ticket with Makemytrip. Remember that each e-coupon has a validity date
E-Coupon Number 1 - MMTU78DE6G
Discount - Rs. 300* off on booking done using 'InstaBook' feature.
Validity - December 31, 2012 (Expiring soon. Redeem now.)
E-Coupon Number 2 - MMTY9B5GH4
Discount - Rs. 500* off on booking done using 'InstaBook' feature.
Validity - January 15, 2013
E-Coupon Number 3 - MMTPW843CT
Discount - Rs. 200* off on booking done using 'InstaBook' feature.
Validity - January 15, 2013
*Terms and conditions:
1. The e-coupons are valid only for domestic air ticket bookings done online using 'InstaBook' feature on MakeMyTrip India website.
2. The validity of the coupons can not be extended.
3. Enter E-coupon in 'E-Coupon Code' box while booking your tickets.
4. Each E-coupon is valid only for a single booking done by a person.
5. The E-coupons is non-refundable, non-transferable and non-encashable.
6. These discounts are not applicable on bookings done by travel agents or B2B partners.
7. MakeMyTrip can reverse the discount in case any of the terms and conditions is not honoured.
8. MakeMyTrip can withdraw the offer at its own discretion