Facebook has done damage to the investors by pricing Facebook IPO aggressively in a bid to overtake Google as highest priced IPO and the IPO which made the owner a member of Billionaire club. Now it is preparing for a major expansion.
Have a look at likely new Facebook campus models and drawings which gives an idea of campus, however presently it is undeveloped as it is an industrial land. Environmental remediation starts in two weeks. It has hired Frank Gehry's architecture firm, Gehry Partners, to design a new, sprawling office building which will house those engineers in a big, open space, with walls cleverly angled so the insides don't feel oppressive.
Facebook Company Update
Facebook has more than 2,000 employees at its headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif. Eventually, its current location—the East Campus—will hold 6,600 employees. Another 2,800 will occupy a second site, the West Campus, across the Bayfront Expressway.