Every individual commits mistake in life including large conglomerates. Have a look at our domain name registration through Google which we renewed in July 2012 and it gave a confirmation message that your domain name has been registered till 17 Aug 2011 whereas it should have had been 17 Aug 2013 or the next year as per the amount of the payment. However in actuality it has extended the registration but the time period being displayed is wrong.
So, if your child commits mistake, it is allowed and if you also commits a mistake it is allowed because a search giant like Google can commit mistake than why not you? Infact when you make mistakes it means you are trying and are doing your bit to make a change to happen and you are different from the league of people who just stick to old formats and just use copy and paste to avoid committing any mistakes.So moral of the whole story is that none in this world is infallible.