No doubt payments methods have transformed since past so many years when first time a credit card was used say way back in 61 years. Now we have preferred modes of payment as mobile and keepig in league with trend PayPal has launched PayPal Here™ mobile payment system.
Intuit Mobile Payment System Features
Intuit only accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover credit cards.
Benefits of PayPal Here™ System
- PayPal accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover credit cards. and has also started accepting PayPal payments also through this service. Moreover one can even use it for Debit cards and cheques.
- Generate invoice from the app (iOS and Android systems).
If we analyse Paypal mobile payment system, we find it very much similar to Intuit payment platform and maximum similarity is seen in fees structure. However the numerous additions provided in Paypal makes it the most reliable and trusted mobile payment system.