It is very important that one understands the difference between Phrase Match & Exact Match to get the best CTR at low rate for Google Adwords campaign. The below guidelines will clear your all doubts on the subject:
Phrase Match
- Use “Quotation Marks in Key word”
- By putting your keyword into quotation marks means that keyword “Sony Television” would appear when a prospective searcher searches for the two words in the same order. However here please understand that the ad will appear when the searched phrase also have other terms as long as it includes the exact phrase you’ve specified.
Exact Match
- Use [square brackets]
- [Sony Tv] would only appear when a user searches for that exact phrase, in that exact order and without any other terms in the query. This keyword match option is highly targeted but will receive less clicks than phrase match. Thus if you are looking only for specific category of people to check your advt than only use this option.
An intelligent usage of above options will help you to reach your targetted users without spending much on your advt.