MCX is honestly a very high priced stock and we can compare this stock with reference to Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group) which is an established player and is available at a PE of 15.54x.
MCX is presently available at a PE of 22.17x of its annualized EPS of Rs 57.77 and thus IPO is expensive. We had advised our clients and free readers to apply for the IPO for listing gains and you can now book profit.
As a strategy keep watch on the stock and accumulate it in a slow and staggered manner like a Navratna stock and you can build a life long wealth for yourself. Just remember that a good stock has to be bought at a reasonable price to give you good returns. The correct price for stock is approx Rs 800-900.
Negative for Stocks
With budget round the corner and if commodity transaction tax (CTT) is levied than stock will fall with a thud.
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