This is first time that rail budget will be presented on 14 March 2012 and budget will be presented by Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi.
The rail budget was not presented in Feb 2012 as India had elections lined up in 5 states and it was considered to postpone the railway budget announcement.
Trend Analysis
It is seen that before railway budget announcement a good about a month before rail segment stocks starts showing positive activity before budget announcement in hope of proposals which can enhance their revenues. However non materialisation leads to fizzling out of the prospects in these stocks.
Rail Budget Stocks
Such type of stocks are Kalindee rail nirman, Stone India, Kernex Microsystems, Texmaco, Titagarh Wagon, BEML and Simplex Castings and one can Google for other rail segment stocks.
Strategy for Trading in Rail Stocks
Railway stocks have become a safe bet for punters ahead of the budget, as the majority of Railway orders go to only these companies. In 2009, there was an up move of five to 28 per cent in these stocks in three trading sessions. So ideally one can start accumulating these stocks slowly before budget and exit out before the final rail budget.
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Rail Budget stock Market Affect, rail budget stocks India, rail budget stocks 2012, rail budget stocks 2010, rail budget stock market