The concept of day light savings is the practice of advancing the clocks which means that evenings will have more daylight as compared to mornings which will have less day light. Economically, the idea is to save energy costs and help the economy.
If you are a die hard fan of US markets and track the same regularly than wef 11 Mar 2012, the daylight saving commences in US which means that their time is forwarded one hour ahead i.e. world moves forward by one hour. This for stock traders means that US markets commence trading at 7:00 pm IST) as against 8:00 pm (IST). This practice will remain in vogue till 04 Nov 2012.
As per Wikipedia, the modern idea of daylight saving was first proposed in 1895 by George Vernon Hudson and it was first implemented during the First World War.
Indian BPOS and KPO servicing US, UK & European clients can return home early in India.
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