We will take a quote from Bible for stock market fraternity and The bible says...
"Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return." - Luke 6:38
Applying Giving & Taking Principle to Stock Market
So the lesson which can be derived from the giving and taking in stock market is that one has to give time to learn the intricacies of the stock market and if required one needs to give money to stock market expert to achieve the desired net result and it is to take home the profit. We will call that whole universe operates through dynamic exchange and it can be authoritatively stated that giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe.
Art of Giving
Thus of art of giving needs to be practised by giving time to stock market and in return one can take home profit. Giving time to stock market does not mean staring at the stock market terminal.