Rane Holdings (RANEHOLD) is the holding company of the Rane group of companies. The company was formed as the result of a restructuring exercise carried out by the Rane group in 2004-2005 with the objective of consolidating investments and progressively eliminating cross holdings among group companies. The company has investments exclusively in the group companies. It owns the trademark in Rane and provides a range of services to group companies including employee training and development, investor services, business development and Information systems support. The company has successfully implemented ERP across all the companies of the Rane group.
The registered office is located at Maithri, 132, Cathedral Road, Chennai-600086. Rane Holdings (RANEHOLD) is the holding company of the Rane group of companies. The company was formed as the result of a restructuring exercise carried out by the Rane group in 2004-2005 with the objective of consolidating investments and progressively eliminating cross holdings among group companies. The company has investments exclusively in the group companies. It owns the trademark in Rane and provides a range of services to group companies including employee training and development, investor services, business development and Information systems support. The company has successfully implemented ERP across all the companies of the Rane group. The registered office is located at Maithri, 132, Cathedral Road, Chennai-600086.