Procter & Gamble India Live Stock, Share, Price, Charts, Quotes, NSE, BSE
Procter & Gamble India (PGHHCL) was incorporated in 1964. Procter & Gamble, US has a 65% stake in the company. The parent also has a 100 per cent subsidiary Procter & Gamble Home Products (PGHP). The company`s principal activities are manufacturing and marketing of healthcare and feminine hygiene products. The other products include cosmetics, personal care products, toilet preparations, soaps and detergents, ointments, creams and tablets. Another subsidiary, Procter & Gamble Distribution Company, which is jointly owned by PGHH and PGHP, carries out distribution of products. Apart from 3 Vicks plants in India, there are other t

wo plants in Germany and Mexico, which cater to the US and European markets. The `Made in India` Vicks is being exported to Australia and the Asian regions. In December, 2002 the company licensed the Old Spice trademark and business to Menzes Cosmetics for a period of 10 years to manufacture, sell, distribute and market the products in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. During 2004-05, the company increased its installed capacity of soaps & detergents. In 2005, the company planned global restructuring of operations in line with its parent company. The company sold the Mediker anti-lice shampoo business to Marico Industries for Rs 100 million. In the year 2005, Procter and Gamble acquired Gillette globally. Though there is operational integration the two companies continue to maintain separate legal entities. The distribution of Gillette products is done through the PGHH network leading to an integration of the sales personnel in the two companies.