Commercial Engineers & Body Builders Corporation Limited or cebbco is a flagship company of jn group of industries, with 25 years of vast experience in state of art designing and manufacturing facility for automobile bodies and industrial structures, situated at jabalpur. Centre location in india and proximity to vehicle factory jabalpur, are inherent strengths of cebbco. The plant layout and work culture of cebbco is tuned for mass manufacturing of more than 1000 vehicle bodies per month. The day of 10th july 2007 will go as the golden day in the history of cebbco.The company is a relatively new entrant in the railway wagon refurbishment business and could face intense competition from more well-established players. Dependence on Tata Motors presents a client concentration risk for its commercial vehicle business.
The company says that day of 10th july 2007 will go as the golden day in the history of cebbco. On this day commercial engineers and body builders co pvt ltd is recommended for the prestigious iso / ts 16949:2002 certificate by m/s tuv-sud south asia. The iso / ts 16949:2002 is latest quality management system for the automotive industries. The auditing practices of m/s tuv-sud south asia is always been very tough and through. This is the first step towards implementation of tqm. This certification reflects our commitment towards the quality.