The best money maker for the webmasters is no doubt is Google AdSense and one gets on the top of world on getting the first pay cheque from the Google. Adsense is advertisement programme where the webmaster gets paid when any of the visitor or his reader clicks on any of the ads visible on the site. These advts are displayed on site after being approved by Google for the quality of content as they have very stringent standards for approving the websites.
We undertook a number of experiments to arrive at the best money making opportunity from advt display ranging from Komli, Tyroo, adsforindians, Chitika,bidvertiser etc and we realised that nothing pays like Adsense as they have very effective rate per click. However downside of this advt is that one is sending a visitor from his own site to another site and a day finally comes in the life of a webmaster when he decides that now he will not display any ads on the website. Till than keep getting informed from Google about the updates of the cheque being despatched in your email. Adwords is reverse concept from Google where the webmaster has to pay for the display of the advt.