2. If one considers a swing bridge like "Lakshman Jhula"; one will remember the resonance effect where one is advised to break the step while walking with a crowd on the bridge as due to resonance effect; swing of the bridge will increase and as a net result may collapse. Similar corollary can be drawn from being honest in a corrupt system as by being honest one is able to break step from the dishonest system and as a result the resonance effect is reduced and India as a country is not collapsing as still a number of honest people are available on whom the system is riding and country as a nation is progressing. However do remember that one has to pay the price for being honest as I have to suffer at the hands of bureaucracy and being dished posting orders at a a drop of hat.
3. However it is only a small price to pay as one is able to make a change for good of the society. I have made a crude diagram and one just take time to visualise what comes to mind seeing the diagram as listed below:
4. Somebody might see it as a seed and some may see it as a fruit piece and I personally see it as a fruit tree giving the shade to people. So it is all a matter of perception and it varies with person to person.
5. I was once in a dilemna in order to help a poor man but for that I had to sacrifice my honesty and thus I asked my mother that whether my being dishonest to system by feeding wrong information which will ultimately help the poor man is correct or not and I still remember her advice which she dished out to me and I quote " If you can sleep peacefully at the end of day by doing the action; than you are not doing a sin as ultimately one has to answer his/her own conscience at the end of day" and I got the answer to my question. As a net result I helped the traumatised poor man and it also made my day as my conscience stated that it was the right action in the interest of the nation.
6. I dedicate this post to all the honest people of this nation on whose shoulders the nation is becoming a force to reckon with and trust me being dishonest may bring transient happiness but in long run one definitely suffers.
7. I look forward for readers comments and experiences in respect to being honest and which have made a difference to the cause of the nation.