1. I came across an interesting article which has undertaken an in-depth analysis of the fact regarding 9/11 attacks on USA and was surprised to note that a great degree of probability exists that the said attack on world trade centre was orchestrated by USA itself.
2. A number of logics have been given and prominent among them is that the fire with fuel would have had caused a temperature of 1700 degree whereas a temperature of 2700 degree is required for melting the steel frame work. Steel frame work on being picked was still in molten state.
3. Another factor is that America has an aerial network of planes where any plane going off its track is intercepted and still after first incident Pentagon was also struck good about 40 minutes of initial strike.
4. It is a doctrine of USA to take on the challenges before it becomes full blown and thus it was in its interests to enter Afghanistan and Pakistan to counter the growing influence of China.
5. I am not analyzing that whether the strikes were original or was it an intelligence failure and only point I want to drive home is that do not believe any thing on the face value and same holds true for stock market. Thus at times people scramble for stocks which have been deliberately propped by rumors. The moral of whole story is that do undertake analysis of any news and check it against its feasibility, plausibility and being probable.