1. This post is dedicated for all my computer savvvy friends who are making it big in corporate world. I am using Laptop with internet for better part of the day and at times I get annoyed due to slow speed of internet connection and same can be improved by improving the computer or laptop performnce also. I am posting a few tested tips for Windows XP which can help you to operate your computer or laptop to be operated faster for stock trading. The tips are tested and you can apply it without any worry and same is listed below:
2. I am particularly annoyed if for terminating a program and still using Ctrl-Alt-Del buttons simultaneously, no result is being undertaken and the best tweak is to Go to Run>Regedit.exe>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ >Kill value 1000.
3. I particularily liked this tip and it is:control panel>System icon>Advanced option>Performance option>visual effects best performance.
4. Run>prefetch>window opens>Select everything in the window> Press delete. One can use this regularly to improve the system performance.
5. I am also posting a program which if you will join, it will help you to achieve the best in life. Give it a try as it is free of cost.
How to have a faster Computer or Laptop for faster stock trading?
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