1. I am a dreamer and was other day dreaming if we could have an Asian union on lines of European union and I realised that same is not feasible atleast in next time span of 30-50 years and my analysis for same is listed in succeding paragraphs.
2. European nations have come all the long way from the soverignty issues and thus their all territorial disputes are resolved with borders clearly marked whereas Asia is still in turmoil on sovereignty issues as we see India - Pakistan and India - China still fighting on sovereignty issues and I am naming only a few major countries which are affected by territorial disputes.
3. We can dream of Asian union only if the territorial disputes are taken care off and I do not see any possibility of same being resolved in next 30 years on an optimistic time frame and in realistic time frame it may even exceed 50 years. However their is no harm in dreaming a border less world and who knows like Euro we may have a currency which may give Euro and dollar run for their money. Keep dreaming as all big things in world are achieved by dreaming and a single step forward for a giant leap.